One Step At A Time!

Dog training takes time and asking too much of a young dog can lead to disaster. Boston area dog trainers Leah and Lori discuss:  Taking time to train a young dog Taking time to train formal obedience Nail Trims  Need dog training/handing equipment? Check out or reccomended items on Amazon:  ABC Dog Training Store Follow…

Is Loose Leash Walking The Hardest Thing To Train?? And More!

Dog Trainers Leah & Lori Discuss: Problems with leashes Healthy fear in public places Buddha retires from TDI Gratuity for the communties we serve.  Wondering what kind of gear the trainers reccomend? Check out our Amazon Store: Reach Out on Instagram! FitPet Boston Talks is a production of FitPet Boston LLC Check out…

Unproductive Training Days & Lori Advises On The Company You Keep

Boston area dog trainers Leah & Lori discuss: Watching the olympics Dog Photoshoots When to cancel walks in the heat Retriever training Revamping training goals  Surrounding yourself with supportive peers    Need dog training gear? Purchase our reccomendations here @fitpetboston @abcdogtraining FitPet Boston Talks is a production of FitPet Boston LLC  Check out this…

Dog Eat Something Poisonous? Tips from a recent experience…

Yes, it even happens to us! Boston area dog trainers Leah & Lori share recent stories about personal dogs getting into unmentionables. Do you know what to do in a situation involving poison ingestion? Resources ASPCA Poison Control Center (888) 426-4435 Emergency Identification For Mushrooms And Plants   FitPet Boston Talks is a production…